
Why write backend code in Kotlin and not Java?

Concept Java Kotlin TypeScript
Variable Declaration int age = 25; val age: Int = 25 let age: number = 25
Immutable Variable final int age = 25; val age: Int = 25 const age: number = 25
Type inference var age = 25; (only for local variables) val age = 25 (anywhere, also for return types) let age = 25 (anywhere, also for return types)
Nullable declaration N/A (nulls allowed everywhere) name: String? name?: string (undefined)
Nullable dereferencing Optional.ofNullable(person).map(p -> p.name).orElse(null) (even more difficult with nested nullability) person?.name person?.name
Nullable fallback if (person.name != null) person.name; else ""; person.name ?: "" person.name ?? ''
Function Declaration int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } (only inside of classes) fun add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b function add(a: number, b: number) { return a + b }
Class Declaration class Person {} class Person class Person {}
Data Class record Person(String name, int age) {} (no copy constructors) data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int) with copy() methods {name: string, age: number}, can be copied with {...object, age: 21}
Constructor Parameters public class Service { Dependency dependency; public Service(Dependency dependency) { this.dependency = dependency; } } class Service(val dependency: Dependency) class Service { constructor(public dependency: Dependency) {} }
Class reference Person.class Person::class Person
Member reference Person.class.getDeclaredField("name") Person::name (type-safe reflection) Person.prototype.name
Inheritance class Student extends Person {} class Student: Person() class Student extends Person {}
Interface Implementation class Dog implements Animal {} class Dog: Animal class Dog implements Animal {}
Object Creation Person person = new Person("John", 25); val person = Person("John", 25) let person = new Person("John", 25)
String Interpolation String message = "Hello " + name; val message = "Hello $name" let message = `Hello ${name}
Default Parameters N/A fun greet(name: String = "Guest") function greet(name: string = "Guest")
Extension functions N/A, usually static utility methods with parameters fun LocalDate.today() = ... interface Date { function today() {...} }
Lambda Expressions Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("Hi"); val greet = { println("Hi") } const greet = () => { console.log('Hi') }
Access Modifiers public, protected, private, package-private by default public (default), protected, private, internal public (default), protected, private
Generics List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); val list = ArrayList<String>() let list: Array<string> = []
List creation List.of(1, 2, 3); listOf(1, 2, 3) [1, 2, 3]
Map creation Map.of("key1", 1, "key2", 2); (null values not allowed) mapOf("key1" to 1, "key2" to 2) {key1: 1, key2: 2}
Value transformation list.stream().map(i -> i * 2).collect(toList()); list.map { it * 2 } list.map(i => i * 2)
Semicolons Required Optional Optional
Readable test names @Test void myCoolMethodDoesThisAndThat() {} @Test fun my cool method does this and that() {} test('my cool method does this and that')
Asynchronous Code CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> ...) (no syntactic support) suspend functions built-in async function fetchData() { ... } async/await built-in

See TSGenerator in klite-json for generating TypeScript interfaces from Kotlin data classes.